My blog Midnight Fire was removed by Google, by its imprint Blogspot. In all likelihood, it was removed by actual people, not an algorithm. Both would be equally bad, of course. The reason was clearly my post about Ukraine. The blog is still available through web archive, though, a fact that certainly pisses off Google to no end. You can read over thousand articles and seventeen years’ worth of articles there. Most of the links work, but not the various search functions. I will continue to link to the various posts in my new articles.
I will reprint some of the posts from that, also because not all of them have been crawled for some reason. I know of two suffering that fate so far. There is bound to be more.
My Midnight Fire website also remains up and going. I always sought to have a clear distinction between them, exactly because of that making it harder to remove both.
I spent some time pondering what I wanted to do, what I would do with the old blog, and what I wanted the new to be. I decided upon more of the same. Consider this Midnight Fire blog Vol 2.0. It will contain the same mix of everything I’m concerned with and my ongoing creative pursuits.
What we’re witnessing right now is a massive assault on free speech and expression. The establishment is aiming high (low) and making a bid for the total suppression of dissent, all true dissent in public spaces. Any voice challenging and even remotely questioning the official view on the ongoing, perpetual war waged by the United States and NATO is suppressed in various ways. Censorship, in various forms has always existed in establishment media. The first twenty-five years of Internet countered that. Everyone could post their opinion on any matter in public spaces. Establishment media no longer had monopoly on information presentation, a fact that has always galled its representatives. We’re now witnessing the backlash, on all fronts. Truth-seeking journalists and people are downright persecuted, both on and off the web. The ongoing US/NATO aggression is a considerable concern in itself, of course, but the massive establishment propaganda and most people’s susceptibility to it are equally worrisome. An anti-Russian hysteria has been whipped up everywhere. Russians are denied medical aid on several hospitals in western countries. Public performances with Russians are cancelled. People, including children speaking Russian are assaulted on the streets. The support for NATO has grown in most member states. Sweden and Finland want to join. Many people claiming to be leftists and socialists support the propaganda, just as gullible as the rest. The peace movement is further harassed and marginalized. The sickness so prevalent in capitalist society is growing further.
The US government even admits to lying, and people accept it.
The massive, establishment propaganda works. We saw that with the harsh treatment Jeremy Corbyn received in the UK, and we see it to an even larger degree now.
No wonder, then, that censorship enjoys such gross support among a brainwashed population.